The Right to Bear… Grease?

Leave it to the elected officials of Alabama to take crazy to another level, an ignominious tradition they’ve upheld for decades.  In his Washington Post blog, journalist (and bona fide yankee*) Reid Wilson notes that Alabama State Representative Steve Hurst believes so strongly in the 2nd amendment that he towed a “gun-shaped barbecue” behind his truck.  Yes, you read that right.  Read the full story (and see the picture) in the Post.

Gun control supporters should take solace that the cooker in question is a simple revolver, not an assault weapon. Better yet, there is no propane tank in sight (could it be that this apparent nut job is a supporter of the Campaign for Real Barbecue?).  Upon reflection, perhaps Representative Hurst deserves everyone’s vote.


*Southerners everywhere should, of course, note the author’s deep ignorance of the south based on him referring to a grill/cooker as a “barbecue”.  If only that pesky 1st amendment to the constitution were amended, we could prevent such disgraceful speech.

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